Building a Real Economy backed by Commodities
... because 'only fools confuse price and value'. Antonio Machado.
dAppmin DemoAccess on DiscordAn Open Source Framework to build Decentralization in Value. A step into Private Currency Competition.
Why Catallactic?
Because this is the real crypto. Catallactic is created to build cryptocurrencies capturing value of Commodities.
Capturing value means transferring to the token price the marginal utility as perceived by consumers. Differently to fiat stablecoins, where the price is captured from an external market, CryptoCommodities allow a natural price formation performed by a required underlying market of the commodity. This guarantees no relative price distortion other than consumers will.
Capturing the marginal utility of commodity provides to CryptoCommodities different features to a stablecoin.
We break with the Quantitative Theory of Money, which assumes a monopolistic legal tender and a central planner, to build a Qualitative Theory of Money for competing currencies privately issued.
Why not fiat stablecoins?
Crypto was born in 2009 with the promise of decentralization from a non fiat currency, Bitcoin. However, tokenization projects have evolved with the financing of venture-capital backed crypto companies and financial firms, that have modified the initial promise, to make it more centralized and fiat dependent. Whereas we think this is a distortion from the initial principles, we find that the tools and processs developed inherit this centraliced and fiat nature and alternative approaches are miss-represented. In short there is a fiat bias in tools and processes.
Catallactic advocates for a built-in price formation as a basis to deliver true decentralization. Stablecoins are centralized because they are pegged to a fiat price formed in international markets.
Catallactic aims to define the principles, know-how, tools and processes to tokenize, fund and manage decentralized commodity based tokens and relief the issuer from the technological and operational burden.
... But no crypto use cases !!!
And that's correct. Crypto has not reached the mainstreet yet and there are not clues than could be massified anytime soon. Instead, the main focus, driven by VCs, have been quick to-the-moon. We think there are 2 gaps to enable bring crypto to the market:
* Existing cryptocurrencies make a terrible Medium of Exchange. None of them accomplish the requirements as a Medium of Exchange because they have not been designed to take the mainstream but for quick profit.
* No mainstream wallets. A wallet for the market should be an affordable HW wallet, as a garage door remote control, that can work without a PC connection and without internet. And this piece of HW does not exist yet. Wallet providers have been working in "something else".
Catallactic aims to address this lack of use cases and bring crypto to the mainstream.
... But crypto is scam !!!
A high percentage of it. Or maybe you forgot what pilot projects are. Any new technology needs a maduration period and definition of quality standards to distinguish what is legitimate from what is not. Unfortunately, there has not been much work on transparency in the crypto sphere so far. But crypto is still a necessity. We aim to provide 2 contributions to reduce this bad reputation:
* A Quality Theory of Money is needed, which includes definition of quality standards and transparency and enable tools guiding users to understand what they really have in their hands.
* Creating smart contracts is full of risks and needs a lot of resources. We think that the past experiences in failed smart contracts, either honeypots, rug pulls, hacked or just non performing, suggests that smart contract should not be created by anyone, but instead provided by specialized Tokenization Platforms under specific well defined principles.
Catallactic aims to address these reputational problems and bring crypto to the mainstream.
Quantity Theory of Money has monopolized the minds of economists for centuries, but QTM is not of application in competing currencies. We aim to create a Quality Money Framework adapted to Web3.
With billions stolen every year, ensuring security is a must or any cryptocurrency. This includes audits, testing, backups or any possible mechanism to guarantee that your funds are safu.
Learn MoreCompliance
With juristictions increasingly stressing legilation around cryptocurrencies, any crypto must allow optional and configurable compliance mechanisms without reinvnting the wheel.
Learn MoreReporting
Investor and users need fluid and trustfull information about the currency they are using. We must include configurable reports with enabled interoperability formats between servers.
Learn MoreProgressive Decentralization
We think that decentralization in the currency and ecosystem, should be, ideally, provided from launch.
We also think that decentralization patterns can be standard across the industry, instead of company specific. However, we do not have yet the dimensions for this multifaceted task and this is core mission for this community.
Catallactic aims to identify the requirements for full decentralization and integrate them, out of the box, into the Catallactic Framework.
Learn MoreRoad to Digital Sound Money
Existing tokenization patterns hold specialized features and are suitable for different applications.
By different reasons, all the existing tokens, fall short in delivering the funtions of a Medium of Exchange and this is preventing mainstream adoption and real world use cases.
CryptoCommodity combines the features of existing tokens aiming to become the first (crypto)currency representing Sound Money ever. The specifications have been written decades or centuries ago and we are in the time to apply this knowledge.
Join us on the mission to design how the Digital Sound Money should look like.
Learn MoreParticipate in the Price System
A medium of exchange must technically be interchangeable, transportable, reliable and decentralized. But, additionally, a successful MoE, has economic requirements as having a consistent stable value or being redeemable.
By being stable, it will be more appreciated by economic agents. Furthermore, a stable MoE will have a chance to participate in the price system, coordinating the decisions of consumers, producers, and owners of productive resources and allocating resources in the more efficient way.
CryptoCommodity is designed to be stable by capturing the subjective value of the underlying asset.
Learn MoreOnce a Sound Money model have been created, Catallactic aims to cover the full lifecycle of a CryptoCommodity to benefit stakeholders
Learn the principles and practices to capture the value of your commodity into your cryptocommodity.
Learn MoreFunding
Get funds from investors to execute your project and return a profit to the investors and value for society.
Learn MoreNegotiation
Use the price formation mechanism of your underlying market to value your cryptocurrency.
Learn MoreDistribution
Choose the best techniques to distribute your cryptocommodity as the barebone for your marketplapce.
Learn MoreDeFi Services
Contribute to financial inclusion by delivering the value of your commodity back to the society.
Learn MoreCrowdsolving
Apply the framework to other commodities to enable citizens funding and solving their own problems.
Learn MoreDefining the criteria and selecting the pieces that comply with the value capture principles will provide better adoption in an already saturated ecosystem.
DLT Networks
With hundreds of DLT networks with different consensus protocols, gas fees or ecosystems is necessary to understand which ones comply with value-based cryptocommodities.
Learn MoreWallets
Despite there are more than 1 hundred of wallets in offer in the crypto market, there is not a simple $20 HW wallet, as a Garage Door Opener, to pay in real markets and this is preventing massification.
Learn MoreExchanges
When issuing your value-based cryptocommodities it is necessary to understand what CEX, HEX, DEX, FEX, Liquidity Aggregators comply with the Trading, Operations and Distribution.
Learn MoreCatallactic Suite enables any commodities producer to issue and configure a CryptoCommodity with supply split between any EVM compatible networks of his choice.
Catallactic Admin DApp
Faithully capture the underlying value of your commodity considering all aspects of Progressive Decentralization.
Catallactic Purchase Widgets
Manage the lifecycle of your Commodities backed Token, from funding to vesting, trading and rewards with Catallactic Suite.
Learn MoreCatallactic Vesting Tracker
Deliver the value captured by your token back to the community as DeFi services, including lending, launchpads, transfers, payments, cards...
Learn MoreWe build for the following projects. Add your commodities based project to the list.
GasClick / CryptoGas
GasClick is tokenizing LPG orders with its currency CryptoGas.
Merging the new cryptoeconomy and the traditional economy. By leveraging the value already existing on LPG consumption, we tokenize, capture it and offer to worldwide investors. A match made in heaven.
GasClick offers a 500x bonus in first round if the token is able to capture asset value. Here is the litepaper.